About BVG Choir
I'm starting a choir. Come and sing!
Open to everyone
Everyone can (and should!) sing. If you say you can't, I don't believe you
You don't need to read music
You don't need to be a confident singer
It's for beginners who are up for a challenge
It's for musicians who want an opportunity to sing
It's for singers who want an opportunity to sing serious harmonies together, and to dig into arrangements and improvisation.
We all help each other along - let this be the antidote to what TV tells us music is about
Repertoire - Pop, Soul, Jazz, Folk. Positive, fun music with melodies that belong in harmony, but not necessarily on the radio. Some may be well known, some may be not. I'd also like to lead the group in the direction of collective improvised singing.... if that sounds scary to you, it does to me too. Let's go!
Here is the link to the recorded parts for some songs from the repertoire to practice along with: https://tinyurl.com/ya3dme94
It's at Kiezkapelle, St. Jacobi-Friedhof, Hermannstraße 102, 12051 Berlin (S/U Hermannstr) every Tuesday unless otherwise stated in the signal groups.
Taught in English.
19.30 - 21.30 with a little beer break in the middle.
€7-10 suggested donation

Ben Barritt